 “ENTER Network Beyond the Horizon”  - online meeting held to discuss current achievements and outline future activities 

 “ENTER Network Beyond the Horizon”  - online meeting held to discuss current achievements and outline future activities 


On December 7, 2022, the ENTER Network committees members got together for the final meeting in 2022 “ENTER Network Beyond the Horizon” to discuss current achievements and outline future activities.  

The meeting was held in an online format with the participation of the members of the ENTER Network Academic Committee, Monitoring Committee, Expert Committee, and Governing Board.

The main objective of the event was to get the ENTER community together, become aware of the main achievements of the activities within the year, share ideas and discuss future milestones, think out of the box and outline ENTER Network activities beyond the horizon. 

At the beginning, the ENTER Network president made a short presentation followed by an active discussion of all participants, including an interactive part assured by the digital whiteboard tool, where each one made proposals and contribution to complete the Action Priority Matrix for 2023.