The main aim of Portfolio is to collect the evidence of your pedagogical experience to be provided as supporting document together with the application form.
The documents included in the portfolio do not need to be translated if they are available in the following languages: English, Spanish, French, Portuguese, Russian
All documents should be uploaded as ONE PDF file.
Scan copies of the following formal documents are required to be included in the portfolio to evidence your educational background and current professional position:
- Higher Education degree(s) diploma(s)
- PhD / Doctorate degree diploma
- Proof of employment (document confirming your employment including a current position in the indicated organization)
Please provide evidence demonstrating your competencies in the following domains:
1 - Innovations in engineering pedagogy.
Ability to choose optimal strategies and teaching methods using traditional and innovative means, taking into account technosphere development paths, trends and challenges in engineering education
2 - Time management
Ability to manage time efficiently and prioritize professional activities
3 – Effective interaction
Ability to effectively interact with audience and increase students' interest in the discipline, using psychological tools and multimedia technologies
4 - Enhancement of learning interactivity
Ability to develop, adapt and implement modern interactive teaching and learning methods and technologies (inter alia, aimed at increasing students’ motivation)
5 - Systems analysis in education
Ability to apply system approach to solving problems of Engineering education
6 - Pedagogical psychology and communication
Ability to apply psychological and pedagogical technologies to professional activities of a teacher
7 - Interaction with stakeholders
Ability to work efficiently with the results of scientific research to ensure their publication, to cooperate with the labor market and other stakeholders
8 - Sustainable development
Ability to apply the principles of Sustainable development in the global context
9 - Digital education
Ability to design, organize and accompany educational process in X-learning environment
10 - Problem-based, project-based and Practice-oriented learning
Ability to form students' experience of an individual and teamwork on solving real engineering problems and developing of new engineering solutions
11 - Learning outcomes’ assessment
Ability to design forms and methods of continuous monitoring, feedback and final assessment of education quality
12 - Course design
Ability to develop teaching materials that foster students' competencies formation
13- Engineering innovation process
Ability to lead research, innovation and design activities (work) of students and student teams, and to foster students to generate innovative ideas, to operate their development and implementation stages.
14 – Lifelong learning
Ability to "ongoing, voluntary, and self-motivated" pursuit of knowledge for either personal or professional reasons, enhancing social inclusion, active citizenship, and personal development, as well.
Examples of evidence that could be provided:
- Certificates of trainings and professional development programs you successfully passed within the last 5 years (if there are too many upload 10 most relevant)
- Certificates confirming your participation in the relevant events within the last 5 years (if there are too many upload 10 most relevant)
- Certificates or other type of documents confirming your membership in professional associations, networks, societies
- Evidence of relevant awards, scholarships, honorary titles, etc.